After a long dental career spanning 52-½ years, I had anxiety about retiring, because it is a life-changing event. This journey, which entails preplanning, initial accommodations, and post-work adjustments, varies for everyone with respect to timing, reasons, and experiences. In addition, the emotions people may encounter are diverse (eg, relief, excitement, depression, loneliness, disillusionment, loss of identity). Subsequent to ceasing my professional life, I noted 10 revelations, some or all of which may interest colleagues.
1. Not missing work. After a wonderful career, I was concerned that I would pine for my work. This was a wrong assumption, as there was no regret regarding leaving the workforce, although I did miss people and the relationships forged over years with patients and staff. I pondered how I would avoid boredom. Probably the greatest mistakes retirees can make are to become socially isolated and physically inactive. To avoid these missteps, I've learned that time can be spent staying in shape, volunteering, growing my network of friends, learning something new, traveling, participating in sports, and creating a retirement schedule to motivate my activities on a daily basis.
2. Not missing feeling important. For many professionals, their position isn't just a way to earn a living-it's a critical facet of their identity and purpose. Some may be saddened and anxious about the loss of recognition. I was concerned what my reaction would be to not feeling important. Surprisingly, I do not care. There are measures that can be taken to transition from a meaningful life to a joyous one. Feeling appreciated can be achieved in many ways, such as spending time with family and friends, getting a pet, and engaging in philanthropy. Connecting with others and improving relationships is the key to replacing the feeling of importance that was derived from work.
3. Being older than I thought. At present the average lifespan for a woman is 84.66 years old and for a man it is 81.94.1 Thus, depending on when you stop working, you can expect a certain amount of years to enjoy retirement. When I was working in the office, patients seemed to give no thought to my age. People came to me because they wanted someone with experience. Now, being out of the office, I realize that I am older than I felt. My illusory, time-denying armor provided by my position has been lost. Reality has set in: I am a senior citizen.
The older adult population in the United States can be divided into three life-stage subgroups: the youngest-old (approximately 65 to 74 years old), the middle-old (75 to 84 years old), and the oldest-old (over age 85).2 People can delude themselves and think they are only as old as they feel, but age brings some difficult realities (eg, predisposed to injuries).
4. Becoming fragile with age. After playing pickleball I developed Achilles tendinitis. It was a rude awakening, but it made me realize that in my late 70s, I'm just more physically fragile than when I was younger. As we age, it is normal to slow down a little, have reduced energy, and not be as strong as we were in our youth. We are more susceptible to injury. The best things one can do to avoid injuries are remain fit, do aerobic exercises, maintain your weight, warm up before athletic activity, get enough rest, and always check your environment to avoid trips and falls.
5. Wondering if I should have retired sooner. As I got older, other retirees told me that I would know when it was time to stop working. I didn't fully understand this sentiment until I felt it and then I acted upon it. In retrospect, I probably should have ceased working 11 years earlier than I did (at around age 66 instead of 77) even though I enjoyed my extended working years. Obviously, the earlier you retire, the younger your body is. The aging process from 55 to 65 years old is not the same as from 65 to 75, and in my experience, after 75 there is certainly a difference in physical strength and endurance. Extending one's career is a personal choice; however, I may have enjoyed having an additional decade of retirement when my body was physically stronger.
6. Appreciating my mate and our time together. I never realized how much my wife did to maintain our dwelling on a daily basis. Now, I am home and must assume my share of household chores. It is important to have an agreement as to what each partner undertakes around the house and be flexible as things change. While some might be concerned about spending too much time together, most long-term marriages are held together with compromise, acceptance, and the understanding that nothing is perfect. In retirement, individuals should keep up with their personal hobbies and activities and make time for mutual interests.
7. Napping and exercising. In retirement, there is a lot of nap time. Daytime napping among older people is normal.3 It is better to nap in the early afternoon, because napping after 3 p.m. can interfere with nighttime sleep. In general, nap time of 20 to 30 minutes is ideal.3 Longer naps may result in a dazed, sluggish feeling. Normally, short naps do not affect nighttime sleep quality for most people.
It is amazing how much energy you have to work out when you do not have to go to toil all day. Daily, moderately intensive 20-minute exercise can give you an enormous energy boost.4 Working out releases a flood of endorphins. This helps to avoid a feeling of fatigue that can be associated with boredom.
8. Finding happiness. Don't be surprised if it takes a while to figure out what activities make you happy. What makes you happy for a period of time may not make you happy forever. You might eventually need to try something new. Also, you can't expect another person to make you happy. You have to make yourself happy and share that happiness with others.
9. Realizing time is irreversible. Father Time moves along, and after you retire, you need to enjoy every day, because nothing remains the same. Nothing lasts forever, so we must be present in the moment and be the best version of our selves at each stage of life.
10. Working no more. I do not have to go work tomorrow and all the days after that. That means there is time to do whatever I want, and the pressures associated with running a practice disappear. In general, one comes to peace with oneself, and there is time to start planning the rest of your life.