Provepharm's urgent nationwide recall warns that contaminated injectable phenylephrine could lead to "serious complications such as stroke or even death" if particulate matter enters blood vessels.
"These findings highlight the need to identify biological mechanisms contributing to sex specificity to facilitate risk stratification, targeted drug development, and improved management of long COVID," wrote the study's authors.
Combined decision aids improved shared decision-making quality by 12.1 points, without impacting visit duration—an important finding for time-pressed clinicians.
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“Tranexamic acid significantly reduced the risk of perioperative bleeding without increasing cardiovascular risk in patients undergoing general surgery procedures,” said Lily J. Park, MD, MSc, and colleagues.
“You are instilling fear into folks who may defer care, who may go without care, whose children may not get the vaccines they need, who may not be able to get treatment for an ear infection or surgery."