There's been much discussion lately about the merits of water fluoridation. How beneficial is the addition of fluoride to public water supplies when it is readily available in a multitude of oral care products? Pros and cons are being debated and varied opinions exchanged. For dentists tasked with formulating caries risk plans for patients, one thing is clear: Staying on top of current evidence is paramount.
This issue of Compendium may help with that task. One of our continuing education (CE) articles features a review of up-to-date evidence for both caries prevention and enamel remineralization. The article discusses different types of fluoride application and the evidence for each, as well as the health concerns associated with fluoride. In addition, hydroxyapatite and other toothpaste formulations aimed at inhibiting caries are examined, as are antimicrobials such as xylitol, povidone iodine, chlorhexidine, and others for the treatment of caries. Techniques to diagnose and treat incipient lesions minimally invasively are also highlighted.
The importance of having a plan is also emphasized in our other CE article, which deals with the reconstructive therapy of peri-implantitis-related intrabony defects. The authors lay out eight keys intended to guide clinicians through regenerative treatments and achieve successful outcomes. They introduce a peri-implantitis defect risk assessment tool that clinicians can use to identify influential factors, including operator, patient, and implant factors, and assess the peri-implant soft- and hard-tissue configuration.
Also in this issue, a clinical technique review examines complete removable denture treatment. The article describes a method that combines digital technology and conventional principles to optimize the process of denture fabrication and delivery. Additionally, we present a case report that utilizes a custom titanium mesh concept, along with a cellular bone matrix, for vertical bone augmentation to achieve a stable foundation for implant placement.
Staying abreast of current information and having a plan in place are critical to the success of dental practitioners. An old proverb says, "get all the advice and instruction you can, and be wise the rest of your life." At Compendium, our intent is to keep clinicians up to date so they can provide the smartest-and very best-patient care.
Markus B. Blatz, DMD, PhD