These guidelines represent a comprehensive update to the 2014 recommendations, developed following a thorough literature review and consensus among experts from the three major GI societies.
Randomized trial shows twice-daily supplementation improves quality of life, reduces inflammation markers, and lessens symptom severity in patients with mild to moderate disease.
Researchers found that children with functional gastrointestinal disorders experience higher school absenteeism than those with organic diseases, suggesting absenteeism could provide diagnostic insight.
"These differences were largely driven by the high rate of adverse events leading to study discontinuation in the OIT-treated participants, despite receiving omalizumab treatment at the initiation of therapy."
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The finalization of new criteria for the "healthy" nutrient content claim on food labels has been delayed, allowing more time for regulatory review of standards that could significantly influence labeling practices and help reduce diet-related chronic diseases.
Switching to subcutaneous infliximab was associated with high treatment persistence, stable disease course, and an acceptable safety profile, according to researchers.