The selection of individuals for federal health agencies under President-elect Donald Trump presents conflicting views on matters such as abortion limits, vaccine safety, covid-19 responses, and the use of weight-loss medications.
Explore medical breakthroughs from 2024, including advancements in Parkinson’s therapy, ulcerative colitis treatments, and gene therapy for hereditary deafness.
A concerning trend of rising breast cancer rates among Asian American and Pacific Islander women, particularly the younger population, prompts urgent investigation to unravel potential causes and address the impact on their lives.
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Can tonsils grow back? Are we drinking billions of nanoplastics in the name of wellness? Is fungi in the nose the culprit to sniffles? We explore these questions and more.
Rising rates of high blood pressure in pregnancy are leading to increased maternal mortality. Learn how medical experts are addressing this concerning trend.
Physicians face challenges in getting Medicare coverage for Wegovy (semaglutide) despite its FDA approval for reducing cardiovascular risk in obese patients.