A study of 1.4 million women reveals that combined hormonal contraceptives carry the highest blood clot risk while IUDs show no increased risk compared to non-use.
In a letter to the editor, three doctors argue that symptoms mimicking normal pregnancy could mask iron deficiency, making universal screening for iron deficiency during pregnancy crucial despite USPSTF's stance on insufficient evidence.
"These findings highlight the need to identify biological mechanisms contributing to sex specificity to facilitate risk stratification, targeted drug development, and improved management of long COVID," wrote the study's authors.
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Discover how cancer treatments, lifestyle factors, and comorbidities contribute to long-term bone mineral density deficits in childhood cancer survivors.
NIH director, Dr. Monica M. Bertagnolli, is stepping down after launching major initiatives in women's health and long COVID research, indicating optimism for their continuation under new leadership.
‘Radon and RDPs emit alpha particles that can induce oxidative stress and promote inflammation,’ processes linked to gestational diabetes, a new study finds.
‘An increase of one unit in RC was linked to a 135% rise in the likelihood of developing endometriosis,’ positioning remnant cholesterol as a promising marker for risk assessment.