Recent study reveals significant reduction in weekly nocturnal leg cramps among seniors taking vitamin K2, showing potential benefits in managing this condition.
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New scientific statement reveals that up to 85% of males on methadone maintenance therapy develop hypogonadism, while opioids can trigger a cascade of endocrine disruptions affecting multiple hormone systems from bone metabolism to prolactin levels, findings especially critical as opioid prescriptions reached 131.7 million in the U.S. in 2022.
Balance deteriorates faster than strength with age, as Mayo Clinic researchers found one-leg standing time declined by 2.2 standard deviations per decade on the non-dominant side - more than double the rate of grip strength loss in healthy adults over 50.
The USPSTF's draft recommendations reaffirm osteoporosis screening for older women, call for more research on screening men, and address health disparities.
A 20-year study reveals that patients with osteoarthritis have a higher risk of severe multimorbidity, emphasizing the need for comprehensive health care strategies beyond joint health.