Antimicrobials, anti-inflammatories, and vaccines were associated with reduced dementia risk, while antipsychotics, antidepressants, and diabetes medications were frequently associated with increased dementia risk.
"Burosumab treatment normalized ALP serum levels in about 80% of both pediatric and adolescent cohorts, suggesting a substantial improvement of rickets in these patients," report authors of comprehensive new evidence-based recommendations for X-linked hypophosphatemia management.
Discover how cancer treatments, lifestyle factors, and comorbidities contribute to long-term bone mineral density deficits in childhood cancer survivors.
NIH director, Dr. Monica M. Bertagnolli, is stepping down after launching major initiatives in women's health and long COVID research, indicating optimism for their continuation under new leadership.
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A 20-year study reveals that patients with osteoarthritis have a higher risk of severe multimorbidity, emphasizing the need for comprehensive health care strategies beyond joint health.
A study reveals that while Notch signaling drives early RA pathology through neovascularization, anti-TNF therapy specifically reduced JAG1/2 and DLL1/4 transcription in synovial tissue myeloid cells, but only in good responders (ΔDAS28 >1.2 with DAS28 ≤3.2 at 12 weeks).
Researchers present new insights into Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport, emphasizing its impact on athletes and military personnel, and discussing potential prevention and treatment strategies.