In a stark reflection of diabetes screening gaps, more than one-quarter of U.S. adults with diabetes remained undiagnosed in 2021-2023, with obesity linked to a nearly four-fold higher prevalence compared to normal-weight individuals.
FTC finalizes rule requiring subscription-based businesses to provide cancellation processes as simple as enrollment methods, effective 180 days after Federal Register publication.
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Novo Nordisk's latest trial reveals positive effects of weight-loss drug on liver health, pointing to potential benefits beyond weight management. #LiverHealth #Semaglutide
The availability of Novo Nordisk's Wegovy and diabetes drug Ozempic has improved, with all doses now listed as available on the U.S. health regulator's website.
MultiPlan’s repricing model cuts out-of-network payments by up to 49 times lower than traditional rates, according to a 2020 report, while its own revenue reached $709M in 2021.