Mailing educational brochures before appointments led to a 29.5% deprescribing rate, compared to 25.8% in controls, suggesting a simple intervention can significantly shift medication management.
In adults with metabolic syndrome, reducing sedentary time by 40 minutes per day prevented the worsening of back pain over 6 months, while pain intensity approximately doubled in the control group.
A new study has found that women with the highest levels of IgM anti-PC antibodies have a 73% lower risk of myocardial infarction, potentially suggesting a role for these antibodies in cardiovascular risk assessment and prevention.
New research reveals that men's HDL cholesterol follows an inverted U-shaped relationship with vitamin D levels, while women maintain a consistently positive correlation.
A meta-analysis of 99 randomized controlled trials reveals vitamin D supplementation significantly improved cardiometabolic risk factors, with more pronounced benefits observed in non-Western populations, individuals with lower baseline 25[OH]D levels, and those with lower BMI.
Automated breast arterial calcification scoring on routine mammograms independently predicted cardiovascular outcomes and mortality, with the strongest association seen in women aged 40-59 years.
New study finds semaglutide associated with a lower risk of opioid overdose in patients with type 2 diabetes and opioid use disorder compared to other antidiabetic medications.
A 9-year study of nearly 10,000 adults found that those with persistently high body roundness trajectories had a 55% greater risk of cardiovascular events, independent of traditional risk factors.