New research compares human milk antibody levels against infectious pathogens across different income countries, revealing important insights for infant health.
A large study finds Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) screening alongside colorectal cancer screening does not significantly reduce gastric cancer rates over five years, challenging assumptions about population-wide screening effectiveness.
A consensus panel of medical education experts identified 36 nutrition competencies recommended for inclusion in undergraduate and graduate medical education curricula in the U.S.
Living with a dog during childhood may cut Crohn's disease risk by 38%, according to a new cohort study involving first-degree relatives of Crohn’s patients.
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"As prescription opioids increasingly became involved in U.S. overdose deaths, the proverbial pendulum swung widely, and many clinicians and health systems inflexibly began refusing to offer opioids for pain."
Eighty FCCs had properties that warrant further investigation for potential health concerns, such as carcinogenic, mutagenic, and reproductive toxicity.