Explore medical breakthroughs from 2024, including advancements in Parkinson’s therapy, ulcerative colitis treatments, and gene therapy for hereditary deafness.
New research reveals increased risk factors for psoriatic arthritis in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis over an 18-year study period in the Nordic region.
New research reveals that Neanderthal DNA variants in the HS3ST3A1 gene, which regulates tooth development and influences incisor width, persist in modern Europeans, providing the first molecular evidence linking archaic human genes to contemporary dental variation.
Physician compensation remains a central concern in health care, influenced by educational debt, specialty-specific variations, and evolving employer policies.
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Explore key insights from a 2-decade analysis of US food recalls, revealing alarming trends in foodborne illness outbreaks caused by Listeria, Salmonella, and E. coli, and the need for improved food safety measures.
Investigate how screen time's indirect impact on sleep quality mediates behavioral problems in preschool children through a comprehensive Chinese study.
New research reveals children with genetic risk for multiple sclerosis show elevated Epstein-Barr virus antibodies and reduced brain volumes when exposed to household smoking, suggesting environmental factors interact with genetic susceptibility years before typical MS onset.
New guidelines for congenital heart disease screening recommend a single retest and require ≥95% oxygen saturation in both pre- and post-ductal measurements, aiming to simplify detection while maintaining accuracy.