Mesalamine 800 mg delayed-release tablets have been launched, and FDA approval has been granted for lenalidomide, with plans for entry into the U.S. generic market in 2026.
New NIH-AARP study of 471,396 participants shows increased calcium intake from all sources associated with significantly lower colorectal cancer risk over 20+ years of follow-up.
Researchers examined how the 2009 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force mammography guideline update—which recommended biennial screening only for females aged 50 to 74 years—affected screening rates across socioeconomic and geographic subgroups.
Scientists have identified a chronic blood-clotting condition characterized by treatment-resistant thrombosis and linked to monoclonal antibodies targeting platelet factor 4, according to a new study.
Researchers found that benzene formation in benzoyl peroxide products is influenced by formulation factors, with hot processing increasing levels and antioxidants reducing them.