"No one ever trades in a Rolls Royce—they just maintain the one they have," quipped pioneering dermatologist Lowell Goldsmith after cardiac surgery, exemplifying the wit and wisdom that marked his 57-year career advancing dermatologic medicine.
Patients with skin conditions are three times more likely to experience pruritus, highlighting a critical link between dermatologic health and quality of life.
FTC finalizes rule requiring subscription-based businesses to provide cancellation processes as simple as enrollment methods, effective 180 days after Federal Register publication.
A new study exposes the alarming levels of medical and educational debt burdening U.S. health care workers, with debt disproportionately affecting women, Black workers, and those in lower-paying fields.
Beyond salary and work-life balance, physicians seeking new roles should evaluate potential employers' governance, reward systems, and culture, according to a viewpoint published in JAMA Internal Medicine.