"No one ever trades in a Rolls Royce—they just maintain the one they have," quipped pioneering dermatologist Lowell Goldsmith after cardiac surgery, exemplifying the wit and wisdom that marked his 57-year career advancing dermatologic medicine.
FTC finalizes rule requiring subscription-based businesses to provide cancellation processes as simple as enrollment methods, effective 180 days after Federal Register publication.
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Squamous cell carcinoma is the leading cause of mortality in severe epidermolysis bullosa," notes Dr. Robert Kirsner, as FDA grants rare pediatric designation to mitochondrial-targeting therapy.
In a study of hidradenitis suppurativa, 82.35% of patients reported dietary changes as helpful in managing symptoms, while the condition showed significant correlations with processed food consumption, plastic container use, and sweating patterns (P<0.05).
A recent review discusses the efficacy of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) with fractional ablative CO2 lasers for atrophic acne scarring, finding improved clinical outcomes with fewer adverse effects.