New recommendations from the American Society of Echocardiography strongly endorse ultrasound guidance for most vascular access procedures while acknowledging evidence gaps.
NIH director, Dr. Monica M. Bertagnolli, is stepping down after launching major initiatives in women's health and long COVID research, indicating optimism for their continuation under new leadership.
In HFrEF patients, cardiovascular magnetic resonance-estimated pulmonary capillary wedge pressure "correlates with clinical and ultrasound markers of congestion," demonstrates potential as a non-invasive alternative to traditional pressure measurements.
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New insights into how autoantibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus directly cause myocardial injury have been revealed, shedding light on the mechanisms of heart damage.
A morning BP rise of over 10 mmHg independently predicts left ventricular hypertrophy—accounting for 36.2% of LVMI variability, even after adjusting for age and BMI.
A study presented at RSNA 2024 demonstrated findings at midlife, decades prior to patients exhibiting early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease related dementia.
A new study exposes the alarming levels of medical and educational debt burdening U.S. health care workers, with debt disproportionately affecting women, Black workers, and those in lower-paying fields.