"No one ever trades in a Rolls Royce—they just maintain the one they have," quipped pioneering dermatologist Lowell Goldsmith after cardiac surgery, exemplifying the wit and wisdom that marked his 57-year career advancing dermatologic medicine.
Patients with skin conditions are three times more likely to experience pruritus, highlighting a critical link between dermatologic health and quality of life.
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Delta variant infections carried double to triple the autoimmune disease risk compared to Omicron, with notable increases in systemic lupus erythematosus (AHR, 2.50), ulcerative colitis (AHR, 2.47), and alopecia totalis (AHR, 2.51), a South Korean study of 6.9 million participants found.
Study finds your toothbrush hosts primarily human-associated bacteria including Klebsiella, Streptococcus, and Veillonella, while showerheads harbor environmental microbes.
A large-scale genetic analysis of over 410,000 patients revealed that hypothyroidism increased alopecia areata risk by 40% (OR=1.40), establishing the first causal link between these conditions through Mendelian randomization.