Aligning Your Marketing on a Credible Network

September 02, 2024

Aligning Your Marketing in a Credible Environment

Content is being served to us every second of our lives. Whether we’re absorbing content on social media, through websites, apps, text messaging, video, articles, television, radio, journals, etc, we have complete access to content delivered to us in every way possible. Anyone and everyone has a voice to deliver content and the chance to become influencers, content creators, and brand ambassadors. How do we know what content is accurate compared to what’s been falsified? How do we know what’s opinion versus what’s truth? When it comes to professional content, or in our world, content for medical professionals, it’s crucial to disseminate content that’s accurate and peer-reviewed. As a newly graduated medical professional seeking guidance on a treatment or procedure who’s daily life is surrounded by social media, how does he or she know that the content they’re seeking will result with a right answer or solution? As a professional healthcare marketer, how does he or she where to align their messaging in a world filled with unfiltered content?

Peer-Reviewed Content

In order to provide the most valuable and credible content, there must be a peer-review process to ensure accuracy and relevancy in the content that’s being published especially when it comes to medical content. Data is being generated daily from AI and new procedures to better healthcare and provide advanced education quicker and faster than ever. Producing content through relevant publications and websites that have a process and/or editorial advisory boards to ensure the content that’s being produced is ready to be consumed by the wider medical audience is crucial. Exploring publications and titles such as Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry or the ASCO Post are prime examples of credible content producers for medical professionals to access relevant, accurate content while healthcare marketers can feel confident that their messaging is being seen in a credible environment.  

Custom Publishing

Bringing a new product or service to healthcare is a very expensive and laborious process. Most medical professionals find it prudent to review the data and studies before introducing a new product into their practice. Finding credible institutions and laboratories to manage clinical trials and evaluations is critical to the success of your go-to market strategy along with finding a partner and outlet to disseminate that content properly to the intended audience. Companies such as Procter & Gamble, Colgate, and Water Pik have trusted our publications for decades in producing and disseminating their research, clinical trials, and education to their intended medical audience.

Trusted Media Partners

In healthcare, there are a plethora of media outlets paralyzing your choice to find the right one. The least expensive isn’t always the right choice. It’s crucial that healthcare companies find a partner(s) that aligns with their core values and are ultimately an extension of their own team. At Conexiant, we pride ourselves on putting together the right consultative teams to represent our industry-leading brands/titles to ultimately be an extension of your team and the gateway to your future customers.